"His folks really do know how to make a campaign work," said the eighth district's current Congressman, Rep. Joseph P. Kennedy II (D-Brighton), who made a surprise appearance at yesterday's stand-in.
A Show of Support
Camaraderie amongst the campaigners last night was high as they sipped hot cups of coffee and exchanged greetings with the candidate.
"This is it. We're finishing," Capuano There was an easy confidence in Capuano'smanner as he chatted with his supporters. "It's odd campaigning in the last 24 hours.It's a very difficult time for candidates,"Kennedy said. "You've made up as many minds as you can. Yourjob as a candidate really ends in an hour or two,"he said. But Capuano campaigners were confident thatthey had already made up enough minds. "This is more keeping his name out there," saidPat W. Callinan, 62, waving his sign at passingcars. "We know the race is over as far as who'sgoing to win. We're showing the voters we're stillout here, still working." Campaigners said the tension has lessened inthe post-primary days of the race. "Really, the hard, hard work was for theprimary," said Mike P. Coelho '94, a campaignvolunteer and the program coordinator for thestate office of refugees and immigrants. "There'sa sense of accomplishment, and now, a sense ofwhat's next." "The opposition was in the primary," Callinansaid. "We're even drinking coffee now." "Before, they never even had a table set up,"chimed in his wife, Pat M. Callinan, noddingtowards the table of coffee and cookies sittingnext to the truck full of campaign signs. But the volunteers said their enthusiasm forCapuano made them willing to brave last night'scold weather. "He's very down to earth. He'sstraightforward," said Allison L. Kirylo, 22, asshe stomped her feet to keep warm. "He tells it as it is, you know what I mean?"said Jeannette M. Teebagy, 62, a retired Filene'semployee. "He's a good, honest guy." Read more in News