
Race for Next Undergraduate Council President Begins

Record number of candidates vie for positions

Dominguez said he advocates putting leaders ofstudent groups on the council to serve alongsidethe elected representatives. He also advocatedusing the council to host forums and debates.

"I want the U.C. to be the center for thediscussion of student politics, like the Instituteof Politics is for real-life politics," he said.

Levy said he wanted to limit the role of thepresident to dealing with council matters.

"If the council pretends it's electing astudent body president, they're completely off themark," he said. "The council needs to be theleader of a specific group and not worry about thegreater Harvard population."

Levy does not have a running-mate.


While Swasey, White, Quillen, Dominguez andLevy all said they want to shake up the council,Seton and Redmond emphasized their provenleadership abilities.

"I'm a council member who has produced resultsin the past," Seton said.

Seton chaired the dining services committeethat brought about the creation of the fly-bylunch program in Loker.

He is entering his third year on the council,where he is vice chair of the Student ActivitiesCommittee (SAC).

Redmond is a veteran campaigner as well as atwo-year council member: she sought the vicepresidency last year as well.

Seton and Redmond said they advocate a varietyof proposals, from increased student group fundingand involving more student groups in campus-wideevents to equalizing House facilities.

Michelle Robinson of Leverett House said shewants to use the presidency to expand programsdealing with sexual harassment.

"Freshmen receive the balance of those kind ofprograms, and I wish that upperclassmen couldreceive an equal balance," she said.

Robinson, who does not have a running-mate,said she also wants to make students more aware ofthe services that the council already provides andto improve Springfest.

Lubens declined to comment on her candidacy forpresident last night, and Quilici chose not tocomment on her vice-presidential candidacy.
