
Race for Next Undergraduate Council President Begins

Record number of candidates vie for positions

He will seek the presidency on a ticket with his roommate, Scott Resnick, who is also a Crimson editor.

Burton is currently serving his second term as treasurer of the council and is also head of a council taskforce to investigate the Administrative Board.

Burton said the council should focus on programs with the potential to have a meaningful impact on the community.

"My greatest fear is that the U.C. is well on its way to becoming nothing more than a glorified eatery, where we pride ourselves on the quality of our flyby and fro-yo but are incapable of providing anything more substantive or filling," he said.

Burton said the council should pressure the administration for smaller section sizes, advising and counseling reform, ethnic studies programs and additional funding for house life.


Resnick, who is also secretary of the Campus Life Committee, said that he and Burton also advocate reducing the total number of representatives on the council in order to make them more responsive to theirconstituents.

Burton and Resnick are not the only roommateteam running for the office: Swasey is seeking thepresidency on a ticket with White, his KirklandHouse roommate.

Swasey, who is not a council member, said hewants to change the way the council operates.

"I consider myself not quite as politicky" ascouncil members, Swasey said. "I consider myselfmore of a person that would try to get thingsdone."

Swasey, who has served as president of HarvardYearbook, said the council should focus on studentgroups, serving as a clearinghouse forinformation.

Quillen said he is also running for presidentto reform the council.

He said he decided to run when he heard aboutlow voter turnout in council elections.

"I think the council should be more responsiveto the students," said Quillen, who does not havea running-mate.

Quillen also proposes an interclub council tocoordinate activities between student groups.

Dominguez of Cabot House and his running mate,Angela Wu, also said they wanted the council toinvolve more of the community.

"Most students don't know what happens behindthose closed doors," said Dominguez, who served onthe council last year.
