

I happen to be a Lycos man myself. For the past four years, I have pointed my Web browser to its site ( in search of everything from the Holy Grail to love. Partially out of loyalty and partially out of appreciation for their page's layout, I have continued to use Lycos.

Lycos and similar search sites Excite ( and Webcrawler ( are kind of a cross between Altavista and Yahoo.

They utilize search engines, but they have created a Yahoo-like category guide as well. With these search sites you can do tasks from booking flights to checking up on your United Parcel Service package.

Infoseek ( has recently undergone a major upgrade of its search engine and may have them all beat.

It combines four different engines into one and is arguably the most accurate and comprehensive search site that exists right now.


It can even search based on questions entered in natural language style.

Whichever one you use, whenever you're frustrated with the lack of meaningful content on the internet, just remember the biblical saying:

"Seek and ye shall find."

Baratunde R. Thurston '99 is the Claverly Hall User Assistant for HASCS, a member of the Harvard Computer Society and a Crimson editor.
