
Beacon Hill Ends Session Tonight

"Prison should be a hard punishment every day of the week," Thompson said.

Thompson, who represents the Central Square, Cambridgeport and Riverside areas of Cambridge and is now in his fifth term, also has made the affordable-housing bill--which is sponsored by all four Cambridge representatives--a priority. Thompson also supports a bill to fund "Just a Start," a city youth training program.

"We've got a bill to train teens and get them off the streets, and another to provide more funds for the food pantries and AIDS programs," Thompson said. "The city still relies on state support."

Securing Social Programs

Alice K. Wolf, who today is completing her rookie year as a state representative, said she is most proud of her work in getting funding for a crime prevention program as well as programs for young people and mentally ill people.


Looking to decrease crime in her district, the former Cambridge mayor sought out funding for a North Cambridge crime task force.

At the statewide level, Wolf helped to secure funding for the Safe School program, which she described as "a program to support gay and lesbian youth."

Wolf said she also worked to provide funding to "a number of child-care programs" as well as programs that help the mentally ill. Recently, Wolf voted against the death penalty.

In an interview, she described the recent vote as "probably the most dramatic moment we will have" in the state House of Representatives.

Wolf said she is opposed to the death penalty for "many, many" reasons.

"Around the country it has been shown to be discriminatory against low-income people and people of color," Wolf says.

"It's an awesome power to give the state," she added. "The state has a tendency to expand its power." She also said she opposes the death penalty because "innocent people can be convicted."

Wolf's district is approximately 2.5 square miles in the northern and western reaches of the city. Wolf represents about 40 percent of all Cantabrigians. She is a member of the House's education and housing committees.

Wolf said she requested placement on these committees because "both education and housing are very big issues for Cambridge."

Wolf is currently involved in oversight hearings on charter schools.
