
Police Squads Work Together


"We work frequently with other police departments, [and] police departments cooperate very well with each other," he said.

Crackdown on Drinking

The recent highly-publicized death of MIT first-year Scott Krueger, who fell into a fatal coma after consuming alcohol at a fraternity, gave local police a reason to cooperate.

University officials, CPD and HUPD met last Wednesday to iron out a tougher drinking policy.

To curb underage drinking, Dean of the College Harry R. Lewis '68 said in an interview with The Crimson last Friday that HUPD and CPD will enter final clubs and report the presence of any underage drinker to the College.


"We take alcohol arrests very seriously, and that won't change," Pasquerello said. "It's for the students' safety."

In a letter to the trustees of all the final clubs last week, Cambridge Police Commissioner Ronnie Watson wrote: "The CPD, Cambridge License Commission and Harvard University have agreed to stress to the students of the University the importance of taking responsibility for their actions while strongly encouraging responsible adults who can positively impact this concern to take an active role in eliminating under-age drinking."

In the upcoming weeks, Watson said University officials will distribute information to students "regarding the consequences of illegal use of alcohol."

He added that CPD, HUPD and Cambridge License Commission personnel will "actively monitor" establishments where alcohol is served.

Students who are intoxicated "will be dealt with on administrative levels within the University and/or on a criminal level should the situation warrant such action," Watson wrote. "Establishments which are identified as serving alcohol to these underage students will have administrative and/or criminal sanctions brought against them."

McNamara said the HUPD has the power to arrest undergraduates for underage drinking or for drunkenness in public.

However, Riley said he believes reporting such actions to a dean, which results in a record of the infraction in the student's College files, is deterrent enough.

"If I know you, I might let you go a little further," Riley said. "That's human nature. But am I going to let you break the law?

"If a student is underage and drinking, CPD and HUPD will bring it to the attention of the College," he said. "I think a note to the dean's office can be just as devastating."

Putting Students First
