
Shootout in Square Foils Bank Robbery

Two Suspects Hospitalized, Under Arrest; One Still at Large

"No one's been allowed in the building," saidDr. Irving M. Allen, a UHS psychiatrist. "They arenot telling us what the exact problem is. We'veheard rumors they are going through the building."

"We were told there was an evacuation and thatwe could leave if we wanted," said Carie M.Ullman, UHS manager for strategic and operationalplanning. "We felt pretty safe."

Ullman said around a dozen police officers anda trained dog searched the administrative offices.

The canine search failed, as the dog wasreturned to a police wagon and police permittedpatients and staff to re-enter Holyoke Center.

Past Robberies


Yesterday's attempted heist was the first inCambridge "in five or six years," according toCity Manager Robert W. Healy.

But throughout the state, bank robberies aremore prevalent. "Unfortunately, it's becoming alltoo frequent," FBI agent Ginieres said. Less thana month ago, a Wells Fargo guard was shot andwounded while making deliveries at restaurants inBoston. No arrests have yet been made.

Genieres said the FBI was continuing toinvestigate a possible link between the foiledrobbery and a similar heist last summer in NewHampshire, in which two guards died.

Tara H. Arden-Smith, Victor T. Chen, SarahE. Scrogin, Joshua J. Schanker, Edward B. SmithIII and Andrew L. Wright contributed to thereporting of this story.CrimsonTara H. Arden-SmithA crowd of more than 350 gathered around theshootout site.
