A receptionist at the Massachusetts Registry ofMotor Vehicles identified the getaway car'slicense-plate number and said the car belonged toReppucci Auto Body and Repair, Inc., of Reading.
But reached by telephone, Bob Reppucci, theowner of the shop, denied that the company ownedthe car in question. "We don't own a vehicle likethat," Reppucci said. "We don't have any carsregistered under the shop."
In addition, Aubrey Hasner, public-relationsdirector for the registry, said the license plateis under investigation and that the agency cannotrelease information on the car's ownership.
The Roxbury office of Brinks Inc. referred allinquiries to its national headquarters in Darien,Conn. A company officer at the headquarters saidBrinks Inc. had no immediate comment.
"We will be issuing whatever comments we thinkare appropriate sometime tomorrow," the Brinksofficer said.
Law-enforcement officers refused to say whetherthe Brinks guard followed proper procedure inpursuing and firing at the suspects--through adensely crowded Square--even after they had leftthe bank with the sack of money. Boyle saidarmored-car procedures were "highly confidentialinformation."
"They have their process, and we're not goingto comment on them," Pasquarello said. ButGenieres said armored-car companies will be"revisiting their procedures" as part of the workof the Boston-area Bank Robbery/Armed Crime TaskForce coordinated by the Boston FBI.
Suspect Still at Large
The third suspect, who remains at large, isbelieved to have been an accomplice at the frontof the bank. Rather than joining Leahy and Smith,he is believed to have fled down Dunster Streettoward Mt. Auburn Street, Pasquarello said.
"We're going on the assumption that he may havebeen injured," the detective added.
The third suspect is believed to have dropped"some evidence behind" during his flight,Pasquarello said.
A beige "jacket consistent with the injuries"and ripped by a bullet hole was found inside UHS,the detective said. "We're going on the assumptionthat the jacket belonged to the third suspect," headded, though he said it could have been discardedby anybody at the scene.
"He may have taken off into anotherneighborhood," Pasquarello admitted.
The search is a joint effort among Harvard,city and state police and FBI agents. The HarvardPolice contingent at the site is being led by Lt.Lawrence J. Murphy, according to Sgt. John J.Miller.
Police cordoned off Dunster St. and blocked allentrances to UHS with officers. Hospital staffwere evacuated and forbidden to re-enter.
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