
Final Club Closed After Recruit Is Beaten in Fight

High School Senior Required Surgery

Frantz said that he had testified about Hansenat an Ad Board subcommittee meeting.

"Sean wouldn't do something like thatunprovoked," Frantz said.

D.U. members and football players interviewedsaid that they had tried to separate Hansen andBurnham as the fight occurred.

But they added that Hansen was not injured,although Burnham said he was told by Harvardofficials that D. U. members alleged he had givenHansen a black eye.

Burnham, who said he still has double visionfrom the fight, plans to withdraw his applicationto Harvard and hope to attend Princeton orDartmouth instead.


The story, however, is spreading beyondHarvard.

Ryan Miyamoto, a Germantown, Md. high schoolsenior who was contacted by Harvard as a footballprospect earlier this year, said he had heardabout the incident from Princeton's footballcoach.

"He told me that one of Princeton's recruitswas up at Harvard and got jumped," Miyamoto said.

One Ivy football coach expressed shock at theincident.

"If that happened here we wouldn't get awaywith it," he said. "It wouldn't be buried.
