
Final Club Closed After Recruit Is Beaten in Fight

High School Senior Required Surgery

But other players and DU members includingSprinkle, asserted that Burnham himself initiatedthe fight.

"He wasn't attacked, he was attacking,"Sprinkle said. "He was asked to leave the club andescorted out, then he barged back in, wastrespassing, and started the fight by charging atSean."

Most football players were unwilling to discussthe matter in detail, saying that only two orthree team members had been in the club at thetime of the incident.

One player who spoke at length on the conditionof anonymity said that the recruit was a "cockykid" who got into an argument with Hansen, leftthe club, and then returned and "took a swing" atHansen.

"Then everyone went at him and he got theliving daylights kicked the shit out of him," thefootball player said.


Dean of the College L. Fred Jewell '57 saidlast night that he is very concerned about theincident, but stressed that the University has noties to the final clubs.

He said that he had notified the trustees ofthe club about the incident. "We asked them ifthey could try to prevent these sorts of thingshappening," Jewell said.

Jewell said he could not comment on any actionthe University has taken or will take with respectto Hansen or other students.

Sprinkle said Jewell or Dean of Students ArchieC. Peps III had talked to the D.S.'s graduateboard, but refused to say whether the closing ofthe club was related to the fight.

"Willie Kane, our graduate board president,told us to refer calls about this to him,"Sprinkler said yesterday.

Kane, the founder and co-chair of Au Bon Pain,said that the graduate board,, comprised of about15 members, had felt compelled to close the club.

"We felt a strong message had to be given toour undergraduates and the members of final clubsgenerally that this conduct is not acceptable,"Kane said.

He said that had the club's regulations beenfollowed, there would have been on incidents.

"The clubs have rules," Kane said. "Number one,freshmen don't come in. Number two there are nounqualified guests."

He said he is sure there is "a lot ofunhappiness" among the club's 40 members, but that"even though it is spring and senior year, thisconduct is not acceptable."."
