
Incoming Dean May Influence College Structure

Knowles was criticized by student leaders fornot considering student opinions when choosingLewis. Although students had clamored for a spoton the dean's search committee, Knowles neverpublicly established that committee.

Alex H. Cho `96, co-president of the AsianAmerican Association, told The Crimson in Novemberthat he was pessimistic about the possibility ofany serious student involvement in the deansearch.

"The administration has not been all that opento students in terms of decision making," Chosaid.

But Knowles did meet with several UndergraduateCouncil leaders before choosing Jewett'ssuccessor.

"Most of what we talked about was thestructure," said Justin C. Label `97, the outgoingchair of the Student Affairs Committee andpresidential candidate.


"I was impressed with the interest whichKnowles took in...student concerns," he saidyesterday.

Label said he and three others attended themeeting with Knowles: former UC President David L.Hanselman `94-`95, former Vice-President BrandonC. Gregoire `95, and Bradford E. Miller `97,outgoing vice chair of the Student AffairsCommittee and Crimson editor.

Gregoire, who served with Lewis on theQuantitative Reasoning Requirement Committee, saidLewis will take student concerns into account.

"He always seemed like a nice guy, open to whatI had to say," said Gregoire. "It seemed like hehad a good perspective on how Harvard operates."

Gregoire added that he would like to havefaculty liaisons to the UC, as the reportrecommends.

"It would be great to have a neutral, thirdparty that we could consult," he said.

But he wants the liaisons to act strictly in anadvisory capacity.

"I wouldn't want to have people overseeing thecouncil," Gregoire said.


Lewis is also likely to implement the report'srecommendation that the house lottery system berandomized.
