
Incoming Dean May Influence College Structure

Johnson added that the responsibilities of thenew dean are unclear. But he said that he willapply for the new position once it is advertised.

Ken Smith, the assistant director of PBHA, alsointends to vie for the post, Johnson said.

But Johnson said the report is vague and thedetails will be worked out in its implementation.

"The recommendations were ambiguous at first,"he said. "It was almost in the implementation thata lot of these realities seem to definethemselves."

Johnson added, "I would consider having thingshierarchically so that [Director of Public ServiceGail L. Epstein] reported to me rather than haveparallel functions. [I support] some streamlining,but things are working well in public service."


King could not be reached for commentyesterday. But he told The Crimson in October thathe strongly supported keeping Johnson.

"The Executive Director of PBHA signs off onabout $100,000 of grants and funding proposals,"King said. "If [Johnson] is let go in the middleof his contract [which ends this June], there'sambiguity about whether he'll feel comfortablesigning off on those grants."

"We're losing 20 years of experience in thatposition," King added.

King said in November that PBHA would considerwith drawing from the auspices of the Universityif Johnson's position were eliminated.

"We could hire our own staff and raise our ownendowment money, "King said, adding that many PBHAstaff members would leave if Johnson weredismissed.

If Lewis supports the recommendations made inthe report and encourages his assistant dean to dolikewise, public service leaders may findthemselves repeating King's warning to theCollege.

Student Groups

Although intended to promote efficiency throughrestructuring, the report also suggests that theCollege provide guidance to student organizationsthrough training sessions on organizationalmanagement.

And the faculty should be charged withallocating funds for student arts, dance, musicand drama groups on campus. Currently funding forstudent activities is jointly administered by Deanof Students Archie C. Epps III and by Jewett.

As dean, Lewis will be able to directlyimplement these suggestions.
