
not at harvard

Joey & Maria's Comedy Wedding. Ongoing. WilburTheatre, 246 Tremont St., Boston. (800) 733-5639.An audience-participation dinner show that, in theguise of the marriage of Maria Angelina Cavatellito Giuseppe Antonio Gnocchi, serves up a roomfulof Italian stereotypes.

Nunsense I and II. Ongoing. Theatre Lobby,North End. 931-ARTS or 227-9872.

Shear Madness. Ongoing. Charles Playhouse,Warrenton St., Boston. 426-5225.

That's Amore?? Through Feb. 19. MerrickTheater, Brandeis University, Waltham. 736-3400. Aseriously silly romp through the idols and issuesof our tiem, collaboratively created with anensemble of Brandeis actors in the tradition ofthe Italian Renaissance Commedia dell'Arte.

An Unfinished Song. Through March 5. CharlesPlayhouse, 74 Warrenton St., Boston. 426-6912.Four friends and/or past lovers of wanna-bemusical-theater writer Michael--who has succumbedto cancer--comb the contents of his New Yorkapartment and serenade his urn. The storyconcentrates on a pair of gay lovers who, becauseof the stubbornness of one and the cowardice ofthe other, never finished their song of love.


Winnie The Pooh. Through Feb. 24. WheelockFamily Theatre, 180 the Riverway, Boston.734-5200, ext. 147 or 148. A musical production ofthe beloved children's story.

Volunteers needed

West Newton Baseball teams. Seekvolunteers for spring and summer baseball teams.The teams play at the West Newton Common on ElmSt. in West Newton on Sundays at 12:30 p.m. CallHenry at 891-0621 for more information
