
not at harvard

Bars and Clubs

House of Blues. Harvard Square. 491-BLUE. Subdudes on Thursday, Feb. 18.

ManRay. 21 Brookline St., Central Square, Cambridge. 864-0100. Leather and Lace Fantasy on Friday, Feb. 17. Curses on Saturday, Feb. 18.

The Middle East. 472 Mass Ave., Cambridge. 497-0576. Downstairs: The Daddys on Thursday, Feb. 16. Spectrum on Friday, Feb. 17. Shottyz Groove on Saturday, Feb. 18. Upstairs: Blonde Redhead on Thursday, Feb. 16.

Paradise. 967 Comm Ave., Boston. 254-2052. From Good Homes and Planet Be on Thursday, Feb. 16.


Regatta Bar. The Charles Hotel, One Bennett Street, Harvard Square, Cambridge. 876-7777. The McCoy Tyner/Bobby Hutcherson Quartet on Thursday, Feb. 16 through Saturday, February 18. The Friends on Dr. Burney with Jayne West and David Ripley on Sunday, Feb. 19 at 3 and 7 p.m. The Jacky Terrasson Trio on Tuesday, Feb. 21 and Wednesday, Feb. 22 at 8:30 p.m.

Ryles. Inman Square, Cambridge. 876-9330. Music from 8:30 p.m. nightly. Joe Maneri Group on Thursday, Feb. 16. State of Grace on Saturday, Feb. 18.

Scullers Jazz Club. Guest Quarters Suite Hotel, Storrow Drive, Boston. 562-4111.

Upstairs at the Pudding. 10 Holyoke St., Harvard Square. 864-1933. The Debra Mann Trio on Sunday, Feb. 19.

Venus de Milo. 11 Lansdowne St., Boston. 421-9595. "American Sprit," classic rock on Thursday, Feb. 16.


Boston Symphony Orchestra. Symphony Hall, 301 Mass Ave., Boston. 266-1492. Performs Tchaikovsky's Serenade for Strings, Foss' Piano Concerto for the Left Hand, and Dukas' "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" on Friday, Feb. 17 at 8 p.m.; Saturday, Feb. 18 at 8 p.m. and Tuesday, Feb. 21 at 8 p.m.

Boston Conservatory. 536-3063. A Tribute to Jule Styne Feb. 16-19 at 31 Hemenway St. Boston Conservatory Chamber Ensemble on Sunday, Feb. 19 at 4 p.m. at 8 The Fenway.

Longy School of Music. Edward M. Pickman Concert Hall, 27 Garden St., Cambridge. 876-0956, ext. 120. Master class with Nico Castel, tenor on Sunday, Feb. 19 at 1 p.m. Master class with Anton Kuerti, piano on Sunday, Feb. 19, 4-6 p.m.

Berklee College of Music. Berklee Performance Center, 136 Mass Ave., Boston. 266-1400, ext. 261. Student guitarist Ofer Ganor and his jazz guitar trio present "It Might As Well Be Swing" at 8:15 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 21. Jazz Composition Department's annual spring concert on Tuesday, Feb. 22 at 8:15 p.m.

Berklee Recital Halls, 1140 Boylston St., Boston. 266-1400, ext. 8820. "Sputter Out!" original jazz music on Tuesday, Feb. 21 at 4 p.m. The David Bialon Trio "Unplugged" on Wednesday, Feb. 22 at 4 p.m.


Dances of Universal Peace. Join hands in simple, joyous circle dances honoring the spiritual traditions of the world, third Friday of the month through May. Feb. 17, 8-10 p.m. 11 Garden Street, First Church in Cambridge, near Harvard Square. Requested donation $6. Call 776-5767 for more information.


The Children's Museum. 300 Congress Street, 426-8855. Current exhibits include: the Climbing Sculpture, a two-story suspended puzzle piece climbing maze; Climbing the wall, a rock climbing exhibit; El Mercado De Barrio, a replica of a Latino neighborhood market in Boston; Teen Tokyo, an exhibition on fashion, food, sports, music, art and school and family life for kids in Japan; Jump Up! Boston's Caribbean Carnival; and Powwow, an exhibition of photographs of Arapahoe and Shoshone powwows.

Compton Gallery. 77 Mass Ave., M.I.T., Cambridge. 253-4444. Through March 17. "AIDS: The Challenge to Educate."

Dean's Gallery. 20 Memorial Drive, Sloan School of Management, Cambridge. 253-9445. Through March 16. "Images from 1's and 0's."

Through May 10. "Works from a Small Studio."

Hart Nautical Gallery. 55 Mass Ave., M.I.T., Cambridge. 253-5942. Ongoing. "Course 13, 1893-1993: From Naval Architecture to Ocean Engineering." "Permanent Exhibition of Ship Models."

M.I.T. Museum. 265 Mass Ave., Cambridge. 253-4444. Through June 18. "From Louis Sullivan to SOM: Boston Grads Go to Chicago." Through drawings and artifacts, this exhibition explores the explosive growth of the city of Chicago in the last quarter of the 19th century and the contributions to this building boom by MIT and Boston architects.

Ongoing. "Holography: Artists and Inventors." "MIT Hall of Hacks." "Light Sculptures by Bill Parker." "Math in 3D: Geometric Sculptures by Morton G. Bradley, Jr." "MathSpace."

Museum of Fine Arts. 465 Huntington Ave., Boston. 267-9300.

Through June 4. "Dennis Miller Bunker: American Impressionist." Featuring 50 of the artist's finest works, this exhibition will be the first comprehensive exhibition accompanied by an extensive catalogue. Through May 7. "Emil Nolde: The Painter'sPrints." Nolde, known for his vibrantly coloredoil paintings and water-colors, will be the focusof the first major U.S. exhibition of one of thegreatest modern German artists. The exhibitionwill include 40 watercolors from American publicand private collections.

Through April 16. "Sweet Dreams: Bedcovers andBed Clothes." This exhibition of quilts,coverlets, blankets, futon covers, lingerie andsleeping caps will be drawn primarily from thepermanent collection.

Through July 25, 1995. "The Taste for Luxury:English Furniture, Silver and Ceramics,1690-1790," exploring the influence of stylisticdevelopments in the decorative arts through the18th century.

Museum of Science. Science Park, Boston.723-2500. Exhibits include "The Observatory,"featuring infrared and ultrasonic sounds andimages of unseen events; and "The Test Tube," anexhibit of some of the museum's work-in-progressfor upcoming exhibits. Laser show "Pink Floyd:Dark Side of the Moon," "The Police,""Lollapalaser" and "Dream On: The Music ofAerosmith." Omni Theater. Planetarium.

Nostalgia Factory. 336 Newbury St., Boston.236-8754. Through Feb. 28. "Ready When You Are,C.B." An exhibition of vintage ads and posters forfilms, dating from the silent era through the1970s.

Wheelock College. Towne Art Gallery, 180 TheRiverway, Boston. 734-5200. "Streets are forNobody," photographs and interviews of homelesswomen in Boston and other communities by MelissaShook.


Save the Life of Mumia Abu-Jamal, Death RowPolitical Prisoner and Former Black Panther!Abolish the Racist Death Penalty! Partisan DefenseCommittee Black History Month Rorum. Speakersinclude Howard Zinn, Professor Emeritus, BostonUniversity; Diane Dujon, Massachusetts WelfareRights Union and Betty Johnson, communityactivist. Boston University, 725 CommonwealthAve., Room B12, College of Liberal Arts, Boston.Call 492-3928 for more information. $5 suggesteddonation goes to Jamal legal defense.


Brattle Theatre. 40 Brattle St., HarvardSquare, 876-6837. "Arabian Nights" at 8 p.m.,"Canterbury Tales" at 5:45 p.m. and "TheDecameron" at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 16."Vanya on 42nd Street" at 3, 5:20, 7:40 and 10p.m. on Friday, Feb. 17 and Saturday, Feb. 18,with a Saturday matinee at 12:45 p.m. "TaxiDriver" at 3:30 and 7:55 and "Silence of theLambs" at 1:15, 5:40 and 10 p.m. on Sunday, Feb.19. "Atlantic City" at 3:40 and 7:50 and "LocalHero" at 1:30, 5:40 and 9:45 on Monday, Feb. 20."Treasure Hunter" at 7:45 and 9:50 on Tuesday,Feb. 21. "The Lion King" at 2:15, 4:05, 5:55, 7:45and 9:35 on Wednesday, Feb. 22.

Sony Fresh Pond. 465 Huntington Ave., Boston.267-9300. "Classic Animation from Zagreb, Program#1" at 6 p.m. and "World's Best New AnimatedFilms, Program #2" at 8 p.m. $5.50 single feature,$9 double freature for students.

Sony Fresh Pond. Fresh Pond Plaza. 661-2900. OnThursday, Feb. 16. "Billy Madison" at 1, 3:10,5:15, 7:45 and 10 p.m. "Nobody's Fool" at 1:30, 4,6:30 and 8:45 p.m. "Quick and the Dead" at 1:15,3:45, 7 and 9:30 p.m. "Boys on the Side" at 1:45,5, 7:30 and 10:15 p.m. "Little Women" at 12:50,3:20 and 6 p.m. "Murder in the First" at 12:30,4:30, 7:15 and 10:35. "Legends of the Fall" at12:40, 3:30, 6:45 and 9:45 p.m. "Highlander 3" at2:15 p.m. "Mouth of Madness" at 2, 4:10, 6:15,8:30 and 10:45 P.M. "Jerky Boys" at 2:30, 5:30,8:15, and 10:25 p.m. "Higher Learning" at 9:15p.m. "Pulp Fiction" at 5:45 and 9 p.m.

Sony Harvard Square. 10 Church St., Cambridge.864-4580. On Thursday, Feb. 16. "Man of NoImportance" at 2, 5, 7:25 and 9:35 p.m. "MiamiRhaposody" at 1, 3:05, 5:15, 7:40, 9:45 and 11:50p.m. "Death and the Maiden" at 1:10, 3:25, 5:40,7:55 and 10:10 p.m. "Madness of King George" at1:45, 4:45, 7:15 and 10 p.m. and 12:10 a.m."Before Sunrise" at 1:20, 3:35, 5:50, 8:05 and10:20 p.m. and 12:20 a.m. "Rocky Horror PictureShow" at 12 a.m. on weekend nights.

Sony Janus. 57 JFK St., Harvard Square.661-3737. On Thursday, Feb. 16. "Strawberry andChocolate" at 1:30, 4, 6:30 and 9 p.m.

Wang Center Classic Film Series. 270 TremontSt., Boston. Films begin at 7:30 p.m. $6.482-9393. "Glory" on Monday, Feb. 20.


The Cryptogram. Through Feb. 26. By DavidMamet. The story of betrayal, loss, thedestruction of faith in human friend-ship, and thefragility of the bonds of love. Performances beginat 8 p.m., Tues.-Sat.; at 7 p.m., sun.; and at 2p.m., Sat. and Sun. at the C. Walsh Theatre,Beacon Hill, Boston. Call 547-8300 for moreinformation.

Henry V. Through March 25. American RepertoryTheatre, 64 Brattle St., Cambridge. 547-8300.Civil war is at an end and the young king mustturn his attentions to the turmoils abroad. Fromthe tavern at Eastcheap to the fields ofAgincourt, the pageant continues as Hal proveshimself a great soldier and states-man, finallymeeting Katherine, the beautiful daughter of theKing of France, who teaches him his first lessonsin love. Tuesday-Friday at 8 p.m. Saturday at 2and 8 p.m. Sunday at 2 and 7 p.m.

Joey & Maria's Comedy Wedding. Ongoing. WilburTheatre, 246 Tremont St., Boston. (800) 733-5639.An audience-participation dinner show that, in theguise of the marriage of Maria Angelina Cavatellito Giuseppe Antonio Gnocchi, serves up a roomfulof Italian stereotypes.

Nunsense I and II. Ongoing. Theatre Lobby,North End. 931-ARTS or 227-9872.

Shear Madness. Ongoing. Charles Playhouse,Warrenton St., Boston. 426-5225.

That's Amore?? Through Feb. 19. MerrickTheater, Brandeis University, Waltham. 736-3400. Aseriously silly romp through the idols and issuesof our tiem, collaboratively created with anensemble of Brandeis actors in the tradition ofthe Italian Renaissance Commedia dell'Arte.

An Unfinished Song. Through March 5. CharlesPlayhouse, 74 Warrenton St., Boston. 426-6912.Four friends and/or past lovers of wanna-bemusical-theater writer Michael--who has succumbedto cancer--comb the contents of his New Yorkapartment and serenade his urn. The storyconcentrates on a pair of gay lovers who, becauseof the stubbornness of one and the cowardice ofthe other, never finished their song of love.

Winnie The Pooh. Through Feb. 24. WheelockFamily Theatre, 180 the Riverway, Boston.734-5200, ext. 147 or 148. A musical production ofthe beloved children's story.

Volunteers needed

West Newton Baseball teams. Seekvolunteers for spring and summer baseball teams.The teams play at the West Newton Common on ElmSt. in West Newton on Sundays at 12:30 p.m. CallHenry at 891-0621 for more information
