Harrop did not return multiple messages left athis Pawtucket, R.I. practice and at his residencein Providence.
An unidentified man answering the phoneyesterday at Harrop's residents said the doctordid not live at that number.
Representatives of Sigma Chi did not returncalls made to their national headquarters inEvanston, III. The national fraternity has around150,000 members, including 7,000 to 8,000undergraduates, according to rent board documents.
Harvard does not recognize fraternities,sororities or finals clubs, according to Dean ofStudent Archie C. Epps III. "They may not conducttheir activities on campus," Epps said yesterday.
Defending Harrop is James E. Sandler, aCambridge attorney. Sandler said yesterday thatContescu and Dunn "have grossly overblown thiscase."
Sandler said Harrop was in fact "prevented bythe tenants from moving in when he wanted to." Theattorney said Harrop is appealing the board'sdecision.
But when asked whether Harrop occupied thehouse after the tenants were evicted in June 1993,he would not answer.
"If he occupied it after that point or not isirrelevant," Sandler said. "He bought a house, hedesired to live there, and the tenants impeded hisdesire to live there. He couldn't live in his ownhouse so he made other plans."
Pressed further, Sandler refused to say whetherHarrop occupied the house following the eviction."That's attorney-client privilege," he said.
Sandler said the rent board's hearing examiner"made the wrong decision," but refused to provideThe Crimson with a copy of his appeal.
Sandler said the two women "never paid a pennyof rent" during their 14-month tenancy underHarrop.
Contescu admitted she did not pay rent toHarrop during her tenancy, but said that she hadpaid the doctor an advance deposit of more than$3,000, which he illegally solicited in defianceof rent control laws. She said the sum was morethan enough to cover the rent, then $221 a month.
The bedrooms now rent for $360 and $349 afteradjustments for inflation, according to rent boardrecords obtained by The Crimson. Rent control iscurrently being phased out over a two year period,following a decision to abolish it in November.
Mental Health
Sandler also said he was investigating thepasts of Contescu and Dunn to defend Harrop in thetenants' civil suit.
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