
Past Admissions Officer Facing Rent Board Charge

Former Harvard Proctor Missed Hearing

The rent board ruled in favor of Contescu andDunn, saying Harrop's case was "not even close."

"His entire occupancy is a sham, calculated forthe sole purpose of defrauding the rent controlboard," wrote James H. Packer, assistant counselto the board.

The board found Light guilty of deceiving aninspector sent to the house.

The board said Light, in trying to fool itsinspector, "changed into his bathrobe to appearthat he had just woken up" and even hung a diplomaawarded to Dr. Harrop on one bedroom wall. Theboard found Light to be "intimately involved inall aspects" of the case.

Light's and Harrop's case collapsed when SigmaChi members Dheeraj Kunchala '94 and Jeffrey J.Rohde, a Chemistry Department researcher, concededunder oath that they lived, without Light orHarrop, at 14 Mt. Auburn.


In a highly critical brief, Packer wrote:"Keith Light's actions with regard to thisauthorized deception are not only illegal, but aremorally despicable."

"In his role as alumni advisor and mentorto....Sigma Chi, he is actively and overtlyteaching these undergraduates that it is all rightto lie and cheat and break the law," Packercontinued.

"Keith Light, through his overt actions, hasobstructed justice and governmentaladministration," Packer concluded. "It is stronglyrecommended that the board refer this case to itsgeneral counsel for criminal prosecution."

The board also found Harrop's entire testimonyto be false. "Dr. Harrop brazenly, blatantly,repeatedly and consistently committed perjuryduring this hearing," Packer wrote. "Virtually hisentire testimony was perjurous."

The board agreed. "It's one of the mostegregious situations of lying to the board thatI've encountered in my 12 years there," Cantorsaid yesterday.

"The consequences, because the tenants wereactually evicted, were particularly troublesome tothe board," Cantor added. "People really losttheir homes because of the scheme that Dr. Harropand Mr. Light were involved in."

In addition to recommending criminal chargesagainst Light and Harrop, the board ordered thedoctor to evict the fraternity and offer Dunn andContescu the right to re-occupy the house.

Harrop chose to sell the house at a lossinstead.

Grossly Overblown'

Light did not return repeated messages, leftover two days, at his office at Stanford or at hisresidence in Palo Alto. He visited the Harvardundergraduate admissions committee this weekend,but did not return calls to his Byerly Hall voicemail account, which is still active.
