Epps says he "can't agree" that William's storyis accurate.
"I haven't been able to find [Ms. Williams] inthe registry of 1990 although she could've had amaiden name," Epps says. "I don't recognize thespecifics of this incident. Certainly I wouldnever have talked with a person about theirbeliefs."
But Angela Williams '90 is listed in the1989-90 "Harvard University Directory ofStudents."
Williams says she recalls her meeting with DeanEpps and stands by her affidavit "100 percent."
"I did meet with Dean Epps, absolutely," shesays. "I was called in for sharing my faith."
She also disputes Epps' claim that he wouldnever discus personal beliefs. "I felt like thebasic premise of my belief system...was beingquestioned."
In a telephone interview from St. Louis,Williams says she feels her first ammendmentrights were violated.
Conflicting Rights
Educators familiar with the relationshipbetween the Harvard administration and the BostonChurch of Christ say Epps disapproves of theChurch.
"[Epps] dislikes [the Church] very much,"Robert W. Thornburg, Dean of March Chapel atBoston University says. "He has the feeling thatHarvard students have a lot more important thingsto do than fussing with the Boston Church ofChrist."
Hrnicek says he believes Epps discriminated andcontinues to discriminate against his faith,infringing on his First Amendment rights.
Frankfurter Professor of Law Alan M. Dershowitzsays the first amendment gives wide latitude forproselytization.
"Short of physical harassment, trespassing, etcetera religious proselytizers should have theright to argue, to persuade, to remonstrate...,"he says.
"We just have to grit our teeth and either walkaway or argue back," he says. "Unless it becomessuch a nuisance that it continually interfereswith your own life."
Thornburg says he fears that the Boston Churchof Christ may file a first amendment lawsuitagainst Boston University or Harvard. "My sense isthat they're setting up several of us, and Harvardwould be the best one [for a lawsuit]," Thornburgsays. "Harvard is our premier institution, that'sthe place you target first," he says.
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