
Christian Student Group Says Epps Blocking Recognition of Bible Study

"Dean Epps let the application hide in the pileof papers on his desk for two years," Fine says.

Epps has stated in previous interviews that hehas been slow to respond. "I fully admit todragging my feet on the Boston Church of Christissue and it's because of [the Church's] history,"he says.

Questions of Autonomy

Dean Epps and other University officials haveexpressed concern that Christians in Action is notindependent from the Boston Church of Christ.Autonomy from external organizations is aprerequisite for official University recognition.

Matthew J. DeGreeff '89, a proctor in GraysHall, says the timing of Hrnicek's applicationmakes him question the group's autonomy.


"The [Boston Church of Christ] had written DeanEpps letters asking for an official club oncampus, and then all of a sudden Mike Hrnicekshows up on the COCL and tries to get his group oncampus," DeGreeff says.

"I think this is something the Boston Church ofChrist wants to take and say "Hey, we're officialat Harvard,'" he says. "One of the tabloid TVstations called Dean Epps' office and said `Wehear the Boston Church of Christ is going to berecognized on your campus.'"

But Hrnicek says the group's charter makes thedistinction between Christians in Action and theBoston Church of Christ. "It is set forth in thecharter that I want to put on a Bible study grouptaught from the [Boston Church of Christ]perspective," he says.

Members of the Boston Church of Christ saytheir organization espouses a literalinterpretation of the Bible in which members areencouraged to model their lives on the teachingsof Christ.

But critics of the church say the group'sliteralist translation of scripture lends can leadto use of scripture to recruit and even harassfellow students.

Rick A. Bauer, a graduate of Harvard DivinitySchool and a former member of the Boston Church ofChrist, says some minor infringements ofindividuals' privacy may be necessary in order tofulfill the Church's mission.

"There's this divine mandate that the endsjustify the means because we have to evangelizethe world in this generation, its okay for us tocut corners along the way," Bauer says of his daysas a campus recruiter for the church.

But Hrnicek says his group completelyautonomous from the Boston Church of Christ.

"I've talked to the leader for the downtownpart of the church and I told him that [Christiansin Action] was going to be an autonomousorganization and there was no problem with that,"he says.

Epps' Rubber Stamp
