Administrators are not the only ones lookingfor change in the College's TF trainingprocedures.
The Undergraduate Council is also focusing onthe issue and will send its own initiative to theFaculty Council.
In December, the council proposed that eachdepartment conduct a mandatory TF evaluation andtraining to eliminate the disadvantages created by"disparities in teaching [between] thedepartments."
The council suggests that criteria forevaluation include explaining material clearly,showing a genuine interest in students, beingavailable outside of class and stimulatinginterest in material.
In addition, TFs' pay would be dependent onattending Bok Center sessions and students wouldbe given the opportunity to comment on thelanguage proficiency of the TF.
But the Faculty legislation procedure isnotoriously slow. If the proposals of Buell andthe Undergraduate Council ever bear results,students like sophomore Orlina will likely neversee them.
He, like most students with bad teachingfellows, can only grin and bear it or transferout.
"It's just the luck of the draw," Orlina says."I'm forced to make the best of it."