
Take the G-Train

.Boys wearing dresses and skirts, but notkilts.

.Wigs, or powdering your hair like they did inthe olden days.

.Fake eyelashes.

.Painted fingernails and big rings.

.Glittery shirts.


.Wearing pajamas around in public.

Celebrities we like:

.Dave Grohl, Nirvana's drummer, because of hisdemented air and his stellar performance in "TheYear Punk Broke."

.David Byrne of the Talking Heads, because ofhis quirky wisdom.

.John Malkovich, because he's handsome and agreat actor, and has a smart wife of his own agegroup instead of some little floozy.

Celebrities we like to dislike:

.That horrible Kate Moss, Kristi Turlington andNaomi Campbell trio, because of their idiocy.

.Donald Trump, for the obvious reasons.

.Steven Speilberg, because of all his badmovies and his undeserved hero status.

Celebrities we dislike ourselves for liking:

.Clint Eastwood, who in theory we detest butwho seems like a nice person.

.Dave Letterman, because even though he'sstupid and predictable, we still think he's prettyfunny.

.The cast of 90210
