Dowling, Sinclair and Chief Johnson have deniedsuch charges.
Sinclair confirmed last month that thedepartment investigated a sexual harassmentcomplaint made by Kennedy School guard JacquelynnLeonard in 1990.
In a grievance dated November 8, 1990, Leonardsaid security supervisor Thomas Henaghan"discriminated against me on a gender basis" and"harassed me on a racial basis."
On one occasion, Henaghan allegedly toldLeonard, who is Asian-American, not to answer aphone call in the security office. "No, you can'tanswer that. You're a woman. They'll hang up onyou," he said, according to the grievance.
Sinclair said Leonard and Henaghan met todiscuss the matter, and Leonard said she has nothad any other problems with the supervisor.
Sinclair said Henaghan denied Leonard's chargesof harassment in 1990. An investigation could notcorroborate either Henaghan's or Leonard'saccount, he said.
In an interview, Leonard said Henaghan tried toretaliate against her for making the harassmentcomplaint. "He put down that I was late when Iwasn't," said Leonard. "He was retaliatory."
Sinclair said those instances of tardiness wereremoved from Leonard's record, and denies theyconstituted retaliation.
"It was a misunderstanding," he said. "If wehad thought it was retaliation, we would havetaken very strong steps."
Another Black guard, who asked not to be namedbecause he said he feared reprisals, said Behennahounded him unnecessarily while at this post andbelittled him during conversations. The guard alsorecounted an alleged April incident in which awhite guard used the word "nigger" in front of theBlack guard and a supervisor.
"[The white guard] said, `You see you niggersgetting your asses kicked in L.A. One reason wehave so many problems in this department is youpeople," said the guard.
Former Black Harvard security guard RodneyJohnson, now a guard at a local bank, said he sawracism in the discipline, promotion and day-to-daytreatment of minority guards while he worked atHarvard between 1978 and 1988.
Johnson also said the department refused torehire him in 1988 after he quit to apply for apost in MIT police department. Rodney Johnson saidChief Johnson had promised him a job when hereturned.
Chief Johnson denied that charge this week,saying Johnson left the unit without notice andhad a record of absences and problems. Sinclairalso denied that the department discriminatedagainst Johnson.
Yvonne Geeve, manager of the Medical School'sVanderbilt Hall--where Johnson was posted, saidthis week that Johnson never presented a problem."He's someone we would welcome back," Geeve said