Voss said Behenna cursed at him in front ofother employees and recalled a conversation inwhich Dowling said he would vote for former KuKlux Klan leader David Duke.
In addition, Voss said Behenna coerced him intowriting a letter saying the supervisor is not aracist in April 1991. Yesterday, Steven Thompsonconfirmed that he, too, had been pressured intowriting a similar letter by Behenna. It is notknown for what purpose the letters were solicited.
Chief Johnson last month acknowledged thatBehenna requested letters but said he did notpressure or coerce the guards.
Voss, who became a guard on January 26, 1991,originally made charges of racial harassment inmeetings with Dowling and Chief Johnson. He saidhis firing on July 23, 1991 was a retaliation forthose complaints.
Chief Johnson and Sinclair said Voss' chargesof harassment were not credible because he hadhistory of disciplinary problems.
Behenna said last month he is seeking legalcounsel and will not answer any questions from TheCrimson.
Voss filed a grievance with the ServiceEmployees International Union and a charge ofdiscrimination with the Equal EmploymentOpportunity Commission.
The University reinstated him two weeks laterbecause of a technical oversight by securityofficials, Steiner said last month. Securityofficials mistakenly though Voss was fired duringhis probationary period--the first six months ofemployment during which a guard may be fired forany reason.
In denying the allegations made by Voss andHispanic former guard Rolando Diaz, Dowling saidhis record of minority hiring was exemplary.
"I hired these people," Dowling said. "Icertainly didn't hire them to harass them."
But Voss said Dowling did not hire him. Vosssaid he transferred into the security guard unitfrom a different job at the Fogg Museum--atransfer which did not require Dowling's approval.
In addition, Brian D. Sinclair '62, assistantdirector for finance and administration at thepolice department, acknowledged that policeofficials called in and questioned Voss five daysafter he told The Crimson he was raciallyharassed.
Voss, who is on disability leave, was askedonly about his health during the meeting, Sinclairsaid. In an interview, Voss said themeeting--which was attended by Sinclair, Johnsonand Dowling--was retaliation for his publiccomments.
Police officials denied the meeting constitutedretaliation, and Sinclair said he and Johnsonattended the meeting only because the Voss casewas now a "high profile issue."
Hispanic former guard Rolando Diaz, a citizenof El Salvador, said Behenna cursed at him,laughed at his questions, and occasionally madederogatory references to his ethnic background.Diaz also said Dowling fired him because of hisnational origin.
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