.On August 23, 1982, Behenna was suspended fortwo days after he missed work on August 19 and 20.Behenna said he was sick on those days. Heexplained two absences in the following weeks bysaying someone had assaulted his daughter and bytelling supervisors he was in a car accident andhad been slightly injured.
.On March 14, 1983, Behenna received a five-daysuspension after he missed work without calling onMarch 8. In a three-page statement of explanationsent to former police chief Saul Chafin and formersecurity head Capt. George Walsh, Behenna said hetook University Health Services medicine for amigraine headache and fell asleep.
.According to a letter written by Walsh onApril 18, 1983, Sutherland reported that Behennawas out of uniform on April 11, 1983, and Behennaargued with Sutherland about the issue.
In the April 18 letter, Walsh said futureincidents involving insubordination would resultin written notice and possible suspension.
.On September 30, 1983, Behenna allegedly brokedepartment rules by using his car to drive to rollcall at the police station rather than walkingfrom Leverett House.
.On November 4, 1983, Behenna may have struckCambridge resident Henry Grodzins, according to asupervisor's report. In a written statement,Grodzins said Behenna, without displaying anybadge and speaking in a "threatening tone," pickedhim up and threw him to the ground on DeWolfeStreet.
In a written statement made at the time,Behenna acknowledge he used obscenities inconfronting Grodzins, who the report indicates iswhite.
"I then grabbed the front of his jacket anddirected him out of my path", Behenna wrote. "Helost his footing and started to fall, his glassesfalling off in the process."
.On December 10, 1983, Leverett House dininghall manager William Hill and Behenna argued overthe guard's decision to open up the house dininghall to a student. Behenna submitted a statementexplaining the incident.
.On November 10, 1984, Sgt. Arthur Fitzhugh,who is Black, sent a memo to Lt. Donald Nunncharging Behenna with insubordination to him. Inresponse to the charge, Behenna wrote a memo inwhich he requested a meeting with Chief Johnson,Dowling, Fitzhugh, Sutherland and securitysupervisor Andy Parker