A University security supervisor whom some guards have accused of racial harassment had a history of disciplinary problems before he was promoted to his post, according to documents obtained by The Crimson.
Donald P. Behenna, who has been employed in the security guard unit of the Harvard Police Department since 1980, had numerous unexcused absences that led to two suspensions during his first four years on the force, according to the documents. He was also charged with allegedly striking a man on DeWolfe Street, a charge that Behenna denied.
In the past month, three University guards said Behenna harassed them because of their race and ethnicity. The alleged harassment included verbal abuse, unusually close monitoring of the minority guards during shifts, and threats of reprisals.
Behenna said last month that he will not answer questions from The Crimson. Behenna also said he is seeking legal counsel.
Police Chief Paul E. Johnson and Robert J. Dowling, manager of operations for security, have said the alle- Some security guards interviewed by The Crimsonsaid they personally never had trouble with thesupervisor. Others said they ignored rudetreatment by Behenna, chalking it up to thesupervisor's demeanor and not blaming it on race. "Personally, was Donnie Behenna one of myfavorite people? No," said Danny Alvarez, whoworked for Behenna when the supervisor headed theHarvard student security force. "Did he use hisauthority to bust my chops? No." "Don Behenna has harassed me a little," saidSteven Thompson, a Black guard who brought acomplaint about discrimination in discipline tothe attention of the University general counsel'soffice. "He did not harass me because of race." Other minority guards said harassment byBehenna is racially motivated. These guards alsoblamed Dowling and Chief Johnson for toleratingthis kind of harassment. "People are angry. It's so blatant. It's notlike a hidden thing," said Pierre R. Voss, a Blackguard who complained of harassment by Behenna. Despite more than one dozen recorded incidentsof rule infractions, Behenna was promoted fromguard to security supervisor in 1984, sourcessaid. The documents obtained by The Crimson referonly to incidents that occurred between 1980 and1984. .In an October 10, 1980 letter, formersupervisor Arthur G. Luongo reprimanded Behennafor being absent five different times during hisprobationary period--the first six months of aguard's job, during which he can be fired for anyreason. "There is substantial likelihood that you willnot be retained by this organization beyond yoursix month probationary period," Luongo's letterreads. .In a December 17, 1981 report, then-securitysupervisor Robert R. Sutherland charged Behennawith insubordination. Sutherland, who is Black,said Behenna told him to "fuck off" when he askedhim over the phone about missing a shift. AlthoughBehenna's response to the charge was notdocumented, there is no indication in thedocuments obtained by The Crimson that Behenna wasdisciplined at the time. .On April 5, 1982, Behenna was given a writtenwarning for absences. According to the warning,Behenna was absent five different times for atotal of 13 days during an eight month period,September 1981 to April 1982. Read more in News