
Treated as Equals?

In the aftermath of the Frug parody, debate continues about the role of Women at the Harvard Law Review.

And this sort of outreach may well be the critics' solution to resolving lingering issues of sexism at the Review.

"A lot of the problems we face could be drastically reduced by having more women there and having more women apply," Eisenberg says.

Schulman told The Crimson earlier this month that an active recruitment effort is underway at the Review to reach out to women at the Law School.

Schulman also plans to create a task force to investigate the treatment and status of women at the Law Review.

Eisenberg says the task force could address a range of problems within the ranks of the Review.


"Hopefully it will instruct us to be sensitive to lot of things that are being overlooked, like race, class and sexual orientation," Eisenberg says.
