
At Harvard

Thursday, 5 March

Harvard Film Archive--presents DavidHolzman's Diary at 5:30 p.m. Lifeboat at 7 p.m.and The Second Circle at 9:15 p.m.


Why are so Many Harvard GraduatesScientifically llliterate?--by Robert Hazen,Geophysical Laboratory. Geological Museum, LectureHall, 24 Oxford St, 8 p.m.

The New World of 1492-1992: An EndlessDispute--by Miguel Portilla, ambassador ofMexico to UNESCO, and professor, faculty,Philosophy and Letters. Boylston Hall, Auditorium,7:30 p.m.

Anti-Smoking Policies in the U.S. andCanada: Who Wins? Who Loses?--by Marc Roberts,professor of political economy, SPH; ChesterAtkins, U.S. representative (D-Mass); KennethWarner, chari and professor of public healthpolicy, SPH; Dr. Ronald Davis, chief medicalofficer, Michigan Dept. of Public Health; GarfieldMahood, executive director, Non-Smoker's RightsAssociation, Toronto, Canada; and Dr. GregoryConnolly, director, Office for Non-Smoking andHealth, Massachusetts Dept. of Public Health. SPH,Snyder Auditorium, 4 p.m.


Pluralism in the New UnofficialPress--by Mervyn Matthews, professor,University of Surrey, England and Nick Daniloff,Northeastern University and the Russian ResearchCenter. Coolidge Hall, Room 3, noon.Tuesday, 10 March


Harvard Film Archives--presents TheKillers at 5 p.m. Just Another War at 7 p.m., andThe Second Circle at 9:15 p.m.


Recent Works--by Steven Mackey,Princeton University. Paine Hall, Davison Room,4:15 p.m.

Genetic Counseling: A Growing Field--byMarsha Lanes, genetic associate, Pre-NatalDiagnostic Center; and Judith Tsipis, director,Genetic Counseling Program, Brandeis University.Agassiz House, 4 p.m. $5 general; free forstudents with Harvard ID. Call 495-8631 or496-1855 to register.

Changes in North Korea and Inter-KoreanRelations--by Dae-Sook Suh, professor ofpolitical science and director, Center for KoreanStudies, University of Hawaii, Honolulu. 2Divinity Ave., Common Room, 8 p.m.

Frank Bidart poetry reading--HillesLibrary Cinema, 59 Shepard St., 8 p.m.


Seagull--Through March 21. By Antonchekhov, directed by Ron Daniels. AmericanRepertory Theatre, 64 Brattle Street, 8 p.m. Call547-8300 for tickets.Wednesday, 11 March
