
At Harvard

Thursday, 5 March

Traditional Scottish and AmericanBallads--performed by David Ingle. KirklandJunior Common Room, 4 p.m. Free.

Composers Workshop--will performoriginal works for cellos and piano, soprano andpiano; digital sampler and percussion; speakersand percussion; and piano. Adams House JuniorCommon Room, 8 p.m. Free.


Vanina Vanini--presented as a part ofthe Harvard-Epworth Film Series. Harvard-EpworthUnited Methodist Church, 8 p.m. $3 contribution.

Liana--presented as a part of theTeacher, Learning, and Intimacy Film andDiscussion Series. Film and discussion. ScienceCenter E, 7 p.m.


Harvard Film Archive--presents LeningradRetro at 1 and 2 p.m., Days of the Eclipse at 3:15p.m., Scenario du Film, Passion, and MaryMagdalene at 4:30 and 7:15 p.m., The Second Circleat 7 p.m., and The Lonely Voice of Man/SovietElegy at 8:45 p.m.


Women and Creative Power--by creativewriters and nonfiction authors of the BuntingInstitute. Bunting Institute, 34 Concord Ave., 4-7p.m.

Indigenous Perspectives on EnvironmentalIssues--by Winona LaDuke, president ofIndigenous Women's Network. Agassiz Theatre, 2-4p.m.

Women of the Civil War--by StephenOates, civil war historian and former MacArthurFellow, University of Massachusettss at Amherst. 3Church St, 1 p.m.


Seagull--Through March 21. By AntonChekhov, directed by Ron Daniels. AmericanRepertory Theatre, 64 Brattle Street, 7 p.m. Call547-8300 for tickets.Monday, 9 March


Women and Power--Through March 27.Bunting Institute, Robert Rothschild Gallery, 34Concord Ave.

