
News From the Nation's Colleges


They said it would end the eating clubs' dominance of the social atmosphere. U. MAINE

Air Force ROTC Program Dismisses Cadet Captain Because He Is Gay

A University of Maine student who was kicked out of the Air Force ROTC program because he is gay is asking students to write to members of Congress to protest the anti-gay policy.

Neal Snow, a 21-year-old senior at the college in Orono, Maine, will be officially dismissed next week.

About 150 students and faculty members attended a "speak out" on campus last week prompted by Snow's dismissal.


The event was sponsored by the university's office of multicultural affairs to give students an opportunity to discuss both sides of the issue. No one spoke in favor of the ouster.

Snow is a psychology concentrator and was a cadet captain. STANFORD

University to Open Branch in Moscow

Stanford announced plans this week to open a new branch of the university in Moscow, Russia next fall.

Twenty-five students will live with host families in Moscow and take classes with both Stanford faculty and local teachers.

To qualify for the new program, students must take at least a year of college-level Russian.

Stanford already has similar study-abroad programs in several cities, including Florence, Oxford, Paris and Kyoto.

The university hopes to broaden its overseas offerings by opening campuses in other Eastern European cities once the Moscow experiment is underway. YALE

Students Meet With Administration To Discuss Search for New President

Students and administrators met last weekend in an attempt to decide what criteria should be used to select the next president of Yale University.
