
News From the Nation's Colleges


A senior faculty member at the University of Pennsylvania has been admonished and demoted for alleged plagiarism.

The University trustees voted over the summer to make Robert Whitlock an associate professor, rather than a full professor, at the Veterinary School.

Whitlock retained tenure as well as the same salary he earned before the incident. CORNELL

Spike Lee to Lecture for $15,000 Fee

Controversial filmmaker Spike Lee will be traveling to faraway Ithica, N.Y. later this month to deliver a lecture at Cornell University.


Lee, a visiting lecturer at Harvard's Afro-American Studies Department, will be paid $15,000 by the Cornell University Program Board. The student group often pays similar fees for big-name speakers.

The organization, which will charge $7 for tickets, is partially funded by the University.

The speech is scheduled for October 22. PRINCETON

New Report May Seriously Weaken Influence of Campus Eating Clubs

A report released this week at Princeton University may seriously weaken the influence of the campus' eating clubs, ancient social organizations that include most upperclass students.

Drafted by Dean of the College Nancy Malkiel and Provost Hugo Sonnenschein, the report recommends the creation of "four-year colleges," dormitories for all undergraduates containing eating facilities.

Currently, first-years and sophomores live and dine in two-year colleges while upperclass students inhabit dormitories without dining provisions.

Roughly a quarter of them take meals in University cafeterias while the rest opt to join the eating clubs.

Students must "bicker" to join eating clubs, but all of the clubs now admit women after a bitter legal struggle.

A narrow majority of students polled by the campus newspaper objected to the four-year college proposal.
