
. . . And the Bottom of the Heap

Captain Dave Tretowicz garnered second-teamAll-ECAC defensive honors last season. DefenderGuy Sanderson has already notched nine points inhis first three contests for Clarkson.

"We're our own worst enemy," Morris declared."We're explosive, but we've been experiencinglulls and letups. But so far, we've been able tobounce back. We're not going to win all our gamesby nine goals, so we have to concentrate ondefense."

The Bruins are one of the league's youngestteams, and one of the most improved. But the lossof second-team All-ECAC goalie Chris Harvey andbackup DAN Quinn means frosh goalies for the teamfrom dreary Providence. Ouch. Brett Haywood andJeff Finch are no Allain Roy and Chuckie Hughes.

"Haywood is solid fundamentally, gets aroundthe crease well and has good reflexes," Coach BobGaudet said. "Finch is a big kid who covers a lotof net and cuts off angles well. We'll have to bepatient with the new guys. By mid-season, weshould have solid goaltending."



1989-90 Record: (8-11-3 ECAC, 10-16-3overall)

Coach: Bob Gaudet

Captain: Brad Kreick

If Brown wants to improve on its eighth rank inteam offense, its leading scorer cannot be adefender, even an All-ECAC defender like MikeBrewer (7-23--30). Fellow prolific defender MikeRoss (12-12--24) will move to the front line,where he will join Derek Chauvette (7-18--25) andJoey Beck (3-12--15) as a key threat. Talentedfreshman Chris Kaban will join the Bruins afterserving a three-game eligibility suspension andshould add offensive punch.

St. Lawrence is taking a "you gain some, youlose some" attitude this season.

The Saints lost goalie Mike Mudd (2.45goals-against-average, .924 save percentage) aswell as forwards Chris Consorte, Doug Murray,Martyn Ball, Kevin Wright and leading scorer JoeDay.

Andy Pritchard (17-17--34) and B.U. importsMike and Chris Lappin will lead the Saints'offense after sitting out the mandatorypost-transfer season. Eric LaCroix--aseventh-round Toronto selection--and junior-hockeyexperienced Lee Albert from Saskatchewan shouldprovide additional boosts.


1989-90 Record: (12-8-2 ECAC, 13-15-4overall)

Coach: Joe Marsh

Captains: Andy Pritchard, Dan LaPerriere

Goalie Les Kuntar (4.23 GAA, 88.5 savepercentage) could determine the Saints' fate. St.Lawrence's defense is untested, and question marksabound.

"Our only key seniors are Kuntar andPritchard," Marsh said. "We're counting on them.We're inexperienced defensively. Chris Lappin andMike LaCourt should solidify our defense. Mike isa freshman but has played a lot of hockey up inBruckville [Ont.] On paper, we look young, butwe're coming along.
