
. . . And the Bottom of the Heap


1989-90 Record: (11-10-1 ECAC, 12-14-1overall)

Coach: Jim Higgins

Coach: Jim Higgins

Captains: Sean Gorman, Sean Murphy, AndyCesarski


Sean Murphy (10-14--24) and Mike McKee(6-17--23) will be back and should give Princetonsome semblance of a scoring attack. Watch forsophomore forward Keith Merkler--a seventh-roundToronto pick in 1989--who should rebound from anunspectacular freshman year. Frosh forwards RobLaFerriere--whom Higgins says "works both ends ofthe ice"--and Jacques Gobert--who has "good handsand a good knack around the net" according toHiggins--could also turn out to be ice sharks.

The Tigers wound up a very average sixth indefense last year. Expect the same this year.Goalies Ron High (4.36 goals-against-average, .865save percentage) and Mark Salsbury (2.73 GAA, .907save percentage) haven't come through in theclutch for the Tigers. Tri-Captains Andy Cesarskiand Sean Gorman anchor a thin D.

"Everyone will have to pick up the slack,"Higgins said. "We're looking to get consistent Dand consistent goal-tending. Last year we didn'tget consistent goaltending when we needed it. Iknow we shouldn't be number-one in the league. Wedon't have the depth. We're thin in numbers ofquality players. If we get a key player hurt,we're in trouble."

Except for the goalie position, the GoldenKnights could be the league's strongest club.Clarkson returns a plethora of talented forwardsand a couple of standout defensemen.

But goalies Chris Rogles or Phil Comtois playedless than one game between the two of them lastseason. If the untested duo cannot come up big,the Golden Knights will falter.


1989-90 Record: (12-7-3 ECAC, 21-11-3overall)

Coach: Mark Morris

Captain: Dave Tretowicz

Watch for Clarkson to shoot up its mediocrefifth-place offensive production. Clarkson linesup Mike Casselman (14-14--28), Dave Trombley(15-27--42), Mark Green (18-17--35) as theexperienced members of the firing squad. All-ECACrookie team forwards Hugo Belanger (14-25--39) andScott Thomas (19-13--32) should also provide somefirepower.
