"Could you be a Clown without all these giftsof History?" asked the Magician.
Cortney sensed something. He felt that manytimes he had been a clown. Even beforeExpectations and Self-Consciousness, and clownsuspenders.
"Then, what use has History been for youCortney the Clown? And what use has the Clowndoctor been? And the Clown Priest? And the ClownPsychologist?" riddled the Magician, as he wentback to painting the horse. Although the Magicianhad loved the former horse, in its process ofbecoming, the horse had changed into somethingelse. Although it was still a horse, it wasanother kind of horse which he was now in lovewith.
When Death returns, Clowns are in a continualstate of Becoming. This is rule number 3. WithDeath, Clowns need nothing but being a Clown. theyhave no Expectations--they don't know if thenon-laughing people will laugh. It doesn't matterthough because they can only be a Clown. WithDeath, Clowns are in a state of listening--whileother mere mortals hear, only clowns can listen.
With Death, Clowns can give themselves fullyand freely to the Moment. Sometimes this is hard,because in the back of every Clown's mind is adesire that he wants people to laugh. In the backof every Clown's mind is something approaching aneed for people to laugh. In the back of everyClown's mind, there are doubts and hesitations.
But with Death, clowns go ahead and becomeClowns. Oh, yeah, and the non-laughing peoplelaugh. Not because Clowns are always funny. Butbecause it is physically painful for them not togive back to the Clown in the same measure as hehas given to them. Although Magician's know this,Clowns can only sense it.