
Spence Report Lists FAS's Top Fundraising Priorities

GSAS Dean Brendan A. Maher has said that thegraduate school needs more money for directfellowships to allow students writing theirdissertations to spend less time teaching. Heargues that this will reduce the attrition rateamong graduate students and allow Harvard to startaddressing an impending nationwide shortage ofPh.Ds.

Maher said GSAS, which historically has hadfinancial difficulties, "will be grateful foranything we can get," but estimated that it wouldneed $30 to $35 million to fund a sufficientnumber of fellowships.

Spence wrote that GSAS also needs more moneyfor student housing in an increasingly expensivemarket.

Renovations, Student Groups

Spence wrote that the Yard residence halls arein "dire need of repair" because they are so old."Raising the necessary funds will definitely be acampaign priority, although it may not berealistic to expect donors to give directly forthis purpose," he wrote.


The plan to turn Memorial Hall into a studentcenter could provide more space for campusorganizations, Spence wrote, but he said extramoney would also be needed for direct monetarysupport of groups.

Library Space

"The Harvard College Library is, by allaccounts, the greatest research library in theworld...But we do not have the resources--infacilities or funds--to continue on our presenttrajectory," Spence wrote.

A faculty committee is now studying the libraryproblem, and will probably report to Spence thisspring. Some faculty and administrators haveindicated that a new library could be built in thevicinity of Pusey and Lamont Libraries.

Excerpts From FAS's 'Wish List'

Priority  Price Taginternationalization  $125-150 millionTwo new science buildings  $100 million40 new non-science professorships  $40-90million25-30 new science professorships  $25-67millionHumanities Center in the Union  $50 millionGSAS financial aid  $30-35 million* Numbers are estimates gathered from severalsources
