
Spence Report Lists FAS's Top Fundraising Priorities

Because Harvard risks losing out in scienceeducation to competitors such as Stanford,Princeton, MIT and the California Institute oftechnology, Spence wrote that the University mustdecide which scientific fields it can excel in,and devote new resources to them.

Spence tentatively proposed 25 to 30 newteaching positions in the sciences. Againdepending on the breakdown between junior andsenior positions, the cost could be between $25and $67 million.

The dean also proposed at least two new sciencebuildings, one next to the Physics and theDivision of Applied Sciences offices, and anotherto connect the Chemistry and Molecular Biologybuildings. The fundrasing source estimatedconstruction costs to be in the $100 millionrange.


Spence wrote that FAS should also shore up itsfaculty strength in Latin American and MiddleEastern studies and provide "full funding" for theHarvard Academy for International and Foreign AreaStudies, which seeks to nurture young scholars inthe field.


Spence also called for resources to be devotedto a program that will set up a more formalforeign internship program for undergraduates anda plan to enroll 200 to 300 more foreign studentsat the College by expanding the student body.

Spence proposed visiting undergraduateexchanges and a plan to bring "distinguished"foreign students to Harvard for a year after theyhave completed their undergraduate degree abroad.

The fundraising source put the total cost forthe internationalization plan between $125 and$150 million.

The Humanities Office Crunch

The much-talked about transformation of theHarvard Union into a "Humanities Center" andMemorial Hall into a dining hall and studentcenter will be a fundraising priority, Spencewrote.

Spence said the plan will help to alleviate asevere faculty office space shortage, which hitsjunior faculty especially hard, and allowdepartments to house their members closer togetherthan is currently possible.

The estimated cost for the plan is $50 million.

Economics and Government

"Economics and Government are on the verge ofhaving their development stunted by the confinesof Littauer [Center]" where they are currentlyhoused, Spence wrote. He also said thesedepartments should expand their internationalcomponents and be given more extensive computerfacilities.

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
