
Platonic Dialogue?




Dear Comrade,


...I fully sympathize with your sentiments of frustration at limitations imposed upon our intellectual capabilities by ignorant and unimaginative leaders....There are other ways, I am sure, to build the vanguard party that will split the armed forces and instigate class war...





I have by now lost all patience for your Communist propaganda, though we are alike in our strategic conceptualizations....I got into Harvard Early methods...fight for unity and strength through the quelling of dissent and deviant thought such as yours.

In fact, it is your rabid talk of overthrow that has given me the germ of an idea of how to fight your empire of evil...after all these years of hearing you blabber, I can exaggerate your comic-book Marxism to the point where it does nothing but damage to your cause.




...I just heard from the admissions office, and it looks like I'll be joining you at Harvard this fall. Finally, after all this time since we were campers together, we will fight face to face as true and spirited reactionary dog...

I have reflected on your idea of brilliance. By becoming an obscene warped but unique and genuine caricature of the left, I expect you will be able to swing a few more centrists to your crude rightist sect...socialists, too, will run to the center or even further in the shadow of your pseudo-Stalinism...

I confess I am at a loss for a collegiate tack of equal scope and vision....I hope that, in view of our long-standing friendship despite disagreement, you will not be offended by my imitation. It is, after all, a kind of tribute...

...My aim of communist revolution will be furthered throughout my Harvard years, and perhaps after, through the medium of spectacular excesses in Rightist rhetoric....Conservatives everywhere will want to extract themselves from my claims in their name, and they will be unable...

We will be veritable Samsons, bringing the houses of our respective enemies crashing down about us...

Yours Very Truly, Sy Kahane '86

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