
Strange Bedfellows


Mondale: (pause) Um, no that was Mario Savio and he didn't do anything at Berkeley until...just forget it. 1964 was the Johnson/Goldwater race, a contest similar to our sham, I mean, campaign.

Reagan: Oh, yes.

Mondale: Well, Johnson was saying the same gushy things about VietNam twenty years ago that I said about those hell-raising Latinos over the past year. And look how much peace he created after his inaguration.

Reagan: (laughs) Served those Bolshevik Ho Chi Minh backers right. But listen Fritz, I've got to get back to the Republican hullabaloo.

Mondale: Well, why don't I meet you there. We could finish talking, have a few laughs. It'd be a great way to round off the victory.


Reagan: Walter, Walter, Walter, even I know that wouldn't be a wise move. What about the press? If something like this leaked out we could be in deep trouble.

Mondale: Good thinking, Ronald. We'll have plenty of time to discuss the, um, issues and maybe reminisce a bit.

Reagan: Great, you know, Walter this reminds me of the time...

Mondale: Please, Ron, I've got a party too.

Reagan: Okay, I'll let you go Fritz, but thanks again and remember what I always say, "it takes two to tango."

Mondale: I thought that was my line.

Reagan: (laughs) There you go again Fritz.

Mondale: What?

Reagan: Forget it.

(curtains, metaphorically, of course)
