"I'm not even sure if we received them," Swartz said, "but our general policy with military public service announcements is not to run them."
Valley Girls
The package of 30- and 60-second public service announcements include segments recorded by college football star Herschel Walker and actor Richard Montalban as well as a parody of the "valley girl" fad.
A similar series of television public service announcements will be sent to TV stations this January, Lamb said.
SSS does not pay for sit time. By law, radio and television stations are required an allot certain amount of air time to public service announcements.
The new ad campaign hit the airwaves two months before SSS began sending out draft cards that can serve as proof of registration.
The new draft cards, which have down criticism from anti-draft groups around the country, are printed at the are printed at the bottom of registration letters sent to young men who sign up with SSS. They can be clipped out and carried in a wallet.
Lamb said that the voluntary cards were not part of a plan to introduce mandatory cards in the future. She added that the introduction of the cards and the radio and television camp.
The Solomon Amendment requires students to prove they have registered in order to receive federal financial aid. A bureau spokesman said that nearly 11 million men, 98.7% of those eligible, have registered.
Unlike the draft cards distributed during the Vietnam War, the new ones do not have to be carried at all times.
David Affler, of the Boston Alliance against Registration and the Draft said, "sure carrying the new cards is voluntary, but the government is trying to get people accustomed to carrying draft cards around again. It's a step towards making them mandatory."