
You Better Watch Out...


...Winthrop House the pleasure of my company for another six months.

...Marc Sadowsky a "How-to-do-it" manual.

...Lou Marczuk some paticipation points.

...The Marczuk some participation points.

...The women's track and field squad my apologies for inadvertently excluding it from Monday's sports page.


...Bob Grady a byline for two he's missed recently.

...The Independent one more chance at arriving on time before I cancel my subscription.

...thanks to the guy who keeps leaving The New York Times on our doorstep every morning even though we never ordered it.

...the Cube a new rug. Oh, yeah, that was two years ago. typewriter a new ribbon.

...a little so I can get a little.

...Bobby Hackett a record he can't break.

...Gay Seidman some new posters.

...Kipp Rogers s thousand clowns.

...Nancy Danoff another paper to write.

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