
You Better Watch Out...


Any relationship requires some give and some take. Well, I've taken a great deal from you for the last three years--most of it flack--so now it's my turn to give. Specifically, I'm giving Christmas gifts, and you're right, you can breathe easier now, because this is my final column of the 1977 season.

You can imagine my surprise when, in a rare moment of altruism, I decided to give... ...Steve McNabb a new typewriter to replace the one Pat's towed away.

...Marty Leape my resume.

...Bob Baggott an autographed picture of himself.

...Ethel Sadowsky the name of a good Chinese restaurant.



...Rich Weisman a punk.

...Rich de Bodo a watch that's on time.

...Master Hutchison a Student's Open House.

...Bruce Ballentine a 'P' on his Shakespeare paper.

...Dave Campbell the directions to an all-women's school in Montana.

...Laura Schanberg Bill Ginsberg.

...Bruce Shepherd a blow dryer.

...Bill Scheft the following words of advice: "You shouldn't pal around with (a) football players the Friday night before a game and (b) married men."

...Joe Restic something flexible. mother Inez Donley's recipe for fried chicken.

...Steve Schorr a drink.

...Robert Sidorsky a Roget's Thesaurus so he'll finally learn some big words.

...Brian Towne a tape recording of the conversation we had after dinner on Thursday, October 6.

...Dave Clarke the men from the Mohawk Inn.

...Susie Waxenberg my Soc Sci 33 notebook.

...Beth Clark a Bio 106 term paper (but not until January).

...Aunt Lil my best wishes.

...Pat Regan a copy of "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair. brother some of the family's good looks, most of which went to me.

...Katie Zoglin a moustrap.

...Mark Director a shirt with buttons.

...Dan Gil a subscription to Science Today. father the usual amount of grief.

...and go

...John Donley a double-column picture of John Cochrane and all the photo credits he'd ever want.

...Winthrop House the pleasure of my company for another six months.

...Marc Sadowsky a "How-to-do-it" manual.

...Lou Marczuk some paticipation points.

...The Marczuk some participation points.

...The women's track and field squad my apologies for inadvertently excluding it from Monday's sports page.

...Bob Grady a byline for two he's missed recently.

...The Independent one more chance at arriving on time before I cancel my subscription.

...thanks to the guy who keeps leaving The New York Times on our doorstep every morning even though we never ordered it.

...the Cube a new rug. Oh, yeah, that was two years ago. typewriter a new ribbon.

...a little so I can get a little.

...Bobby Hackett a record he can't break.

...Gay Seidman some new posters.

...Kipp Rogers s thousand clowns.

...Nancy Danoff another paper to write.

...John Hendricks his Gov 112a mid-term back.

...hell to the guy who set off the fire alarm at 2 a.m. last Sunday.

...Jell Connor a few squash tips.

...Burt McGillivary praise for not going with his roommates Sunday night.

...Pat Sorrento thanks for filling in the space below in case this column runs short.

...Tom McGinn a bottle of Irish whiskey.

...myself dinner. So I'm leaving now, but before I do I also decided to say "Have a good vacation" to everyone else. See you around Suffern, sports.

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