In the wake of nationwide success for the Lampoon Time parody, a number of former Poon editors have banded together to publish a monthly. New York based national humor magazine.
"You've got to get a laugh fast," said Robert Hoffman '69, managing editor, in explaining the editorial policy of The National Lampoon.
Richard Armour, Max Schulman, Thomas Meehan, Dick Cavett's staff writers, and Woody Allen have already been solicited, and are expected to join former Lampoon editors in contributing to the magazine's content.
Hoffman said serious discussion of the national magazine, "an idea that we'd been kicking around the Castle for a number of years," began some 15 months ago. and that fund-raising commenced last Spring.
A campaign for "selected markets" through mail promotionals, magazine advertising, and radio and TV spots will begin early next year, he said. The magzine aims at "an average reader 26 years old, male, with a high median income of $18,000 a year."
The National Lampoon, Incorporated will publish 400,000 copies a month.
Each issue of the Time-sized monthly will be "heavy in visual humor." Hoffman explained, and will feature a "theme." "Big Business, Money, and Greed" will be the theme of the second issue, due in April.