
Movies and Plays This Weekend


* The Bacchae -- Euripedes' last play (review p. 2). At the CHARLES, 76 Warrenton (542-3325).

* Benito Cerino--Directors David Wheeler and Frank Cassidy have constructed Robert Lowell's penetration of an American mind into a simple tragedy of racism. An awkward, flat production. At the THEATRE COMPANY OF BOSTON, 136 Mass. Ave. (426-6609). Ends Sunday.

* The Living Theatre -- Four different offerings by the now-notorious Julian Beck-Judith Malina company. At KRESGE AUDITORIUM, M.I.T. (864-6900 ext. 2910).

* Love for Love -- Congreve's masterpiece, or one of them. At BOSTON UNIVERSITY (353-3345). This weekend only.


* The Measures Taken--Brecht. At the HARVARD EPWORTH CHURCH, 1555 Mass. Ave. (491-9579).

* Misalliance--In which a man drops out of the sky, by Shaw. At EMERSON COLLEGE, 130 Beacon (262-2010 ext. 240).

* The Proposition--Local satirical revue. At 241 Hampshire St., Inman Square, Cambridge.

* Tambourines to Glory--The Langston Hughes play, done by the Negro Repertory Theatre of Boston. At NEW ENGLAND LIFE HALL (442-0955).

* Women Beware Women--a fluid and incisive production of Thomas Middleton's play about the destruction of three innocent youths. At the LOEB DRAMA CENTER (862-2630).

* You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown--Which somehow works. At the WILBUR (426-9366).

* The Zoo Story & Dutchman--Edward Albee & Leroi Jones. At the ATMA, 496 Tremont (338-9791).

* Zorba--A flashy, technical tour de force, also a candidate for best serious musical of the decade. At the SCHUBERT, 265 Tremont (426-4520).


* Barbarella--Roger Vadim's very public salute to Jane Fonda; more or less what you'd expect. At the CIRCLE, Cleveland Circle, Brookline (566-4040).

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