
So You Want To Make The Company Team, Son?

Ready To Meet The Big Business Challenge?

I'm sure there are some liberals in General Motors?

"And I don't think it would hurt you in your advancement. It just depends. Now what do you mean by liberal groups? We wouldn't want you associated with a group that would reflect badly on General Motors' name . . ."

Excuse me, sir, what do you mean. I mean I'm not a communist or anything like that!

He looks at me knowingly, comes within an eyelash of winking.

"Well, I guess that is what I was referring to."


I guess so.

"That is an excellent question about our social conscience and I'm glad you asked it. As for our hiring policies, we hire black people. As for the orientation of our work, we have jobs, important jobs, directly concerned with the quality of ghetto life. Like how do you get those ghetto residents to work an eight-hour day, how do you get them to want to."

Sir, must everything General Motors does have a business rationale? This is my last question. Suddenly, the tone of the interview changes.

"Mr. Alexander, are you interested in a job with us?"

Yes, I wouldn't be here if I wasn't, would I? Why do you ask?

"Well, it seems to me you might be writing an article or something."

I don't understand what could give you that impression, Mr. S.

"The depth of your questions seem to indicate an interest beyond that of just finding a job."

That must be more of a reflection on your usual job applicants than the depth of my questions, Mr. S. I am just a little concerned about how my being a rebel will affect my possible business career.

"I can understand your concern, Mr. Alexander."
