
So You Want To Make The Company Team, Son?

Ready To Meet The Big Business Challenge?

Some of my best friends.

"I myself, when I go into the college to recruit, I don't ask, one way or other, that is, it doesn't matter to me, you see, whether he's Jewish, Polish, Czech, whatever..."

Or Protestant, Catholic, American, Russian.

"But now, you and I both can take a look at the corporate registers of any of the large corporate registers of any of the large corporations--Chrysler, Ford, any of them--and we know what we'll find..."

I'm afraid to admit, Sir, but I've never had a look at those corporate registers. Exactly what do we find?


"There's not a Jew there..."


"But I don't see why a person who has the ability can't overcome that, do you?"


"Of course, you'll find discrimination everywhere in our society. I for one certainly don't think it will be eradicated in our lifetime. Like it or not, we do live in an imperfect world..."


The room has little furniture. His black plastic executive-style reclining chair wheels around on a six foot plastic shield, to protect the carpet.

"Oh yes, that's true, you can go into any plant and you'll find your rows of people, perhaps forty in a row, their drawing boards in front of them, doing small jobs. They take off their coats and they look like the same people..."

Isn't this being turned around? The beguiler reveals his bad side. What's more, he is smiling, as if he is explaining something quite simple to a "slow" child.

"Now, these are our jobs. The job is there. And when a man comes to work for us he is ready to take that job. Of course it is not creative, and we are all depressed sometimes and we want to do that job across the street that looks so much better..."
