
Summer School Calendar

Thursday, August 10

4 p.m.: Thursday Afternoon Lecture Series: Gideon Bachman, film critic and film historian, Rome, Italy, on "The Personal World of Federico Fellini." Emerson Hall 105.

8:30 p.m.: Cantagribia Orchestra. Sanders Theatre.

Sunday, August 13

9:30 to 11:30 a.m.: Sunday morning coffee in Matthews 6 and Ames Common Room.


Monday, August 14

4 p.m.: Lecture Series on Cultural Revolutions in East Asia: Ezra F. Vogel, lecturer on Social Relations, on "Social Change in Communist China." Emerson Hall 201.

8:30 p.m.: Monday Night Concert Series: David Pizarro, organist, Busch Reisinger Museum.

Tuesday, August 15

8:30 p.m.: Literary Series Lecture: John Barth, novelist, reading from his new work. Emerson Hall 105.

Wednesday, August 16

3 p.m.: Yard Punch in the Widener Quadrangle.

Thursday, August 17

8:30 p.m.: In the Jungle of the Cities opens at Agassiz Theatre. There will also be performances on August 18, 19, 22-26.

8:30 p.m.: Concert by Harvard Summer School Chorus. Sanders Theatre.
