
Summer School Calendar

Tuesday, July 25

4 p.m.: Lecture Series on Man and the Visual Environment: Jerzy Soltan, professor of architecture, on "Proportion and Scale: A Means to an End." Emerson Hall 105.

8:30 p.m.: Literary Series Lecture: Robert Lowell, poet, reading from his own work. Sanders Theatre.

Wednesday, July 26

3 p.m.: Yard Punch in Widener Quadrangle.


Thursday, July 27

4 p.m.: Thursday Afternoon Lecture Series: Norton E. Long, James Gordon Professor of Community Government, Brandeis University, on "A National Urban Policy? The Model City." Emerson Hall 105.

Sunday, July 30

9:30 to 11:30 a.m.: Sunday morning coffee in Matthews 6 and Ames Common Room.

Monday, July 31

4 p.m.: Lecture Series on Cultural Revolutions in East Asia: Howard S. Hibbett on "Japanese Novelists and the West."

8:30 p.m.: Monday Night Concert Series: Leon Kirchner and Chamber Ensemble. Sanders Theatre.

Tuesday, August 1

4 p.m.: Lecture Series on Man and the Visual Environment: Robert Gutman, professor of sociology, Rutgers University, on "The Social Function of the Built Environment." Emerson Hall 105.

8:30 p.m.: Literary Series Lecture: Robert Brustein, Dean, School of Drama, Yale University, on "No More Masterpieces." Emerson Hall 105.
