
The Love Game

At the Brattle God knows how long

Hiss: Keep it clean, you guys.

Auspitz: Quiet, Hiss. victor is picking his nose. Transalpine realism.

Hiss: Where's Sokolov?

Gardner: Sokolov? There! He's getting away.

Auspitz: Stop! Stop that reviewer! Stop him!


Sokolov: (repentant) Sorry, guys. But jeezus, I gotta leave.

Auspitz: One can appreciate true Continental spontaneity without in dulging in it oneself, Sokolov. Look, the encyclopedia salesman has just knocked over the glass for the fourth time.

Skolov: But it wasn't funny the first time.

Auspitz: Ce n'est pas drole, eh?

Hiss: We seem to be the only ones in the theatre laughing.

Gardner: Actually, we're the only ones in the theatre.

Sokolov: Look. It's over! It's over already!

Gardner: (sortant) Did you ever see a worse movie, Tony?

Hiss: (glibly) "King of Kings."

Auspitz: Chauvinist.

