
Text of the Questionnaire

62. 40-161 I believe that the existence of God can be proven in a way that will elicit the assent of a rational person.

63. 111-93 I believe that the only way to know God is through an individual experience of His power or His love.

64. 159-45 I believe that undeserved suffering occurs in the world.

65. 57-144 I believe that correct ethical principles are grounded on religious faith, and that a genuine knowledge of man's moral obligations necessarily involves a belief in God.

66. 123-74 I believe that God is just.


67. 138-72 There has been a time in my life when my religious views could fairly have been called "agnostic" or "atheistic."

68. 65-136 I believe that every human being inevitably becomes involved in sin and cannot attain salvation without God's intercession, even though man does not merit it.

69. 28-177 I believe that the idea of Hell is a true one in the sense that God will send some people to an eternity of pain if He sees fit.

70. 48-163 I regard active connection with a church or synagogue as essential to my religious life.

71. 91-104 I believe that God is benevolent and feels toward man much as a loving father to his children.

72. Do you attend religious services:

49 once a week; 22 twice a month; 15 monthly; 85 several times a year; 21 twice a year; 17 not at all.

73. How often, outside of formal religious services, do you pray to God?

52 daily; 36 several times a week; 51 only at specific crises in my life; 58 not at all.

74. Do you consider atheists or agnostics: (check two)

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