
Text of the Questionnaire

22. Regarding the intensity of your concern with religion and politics (taking these terms in the broadest sense), would you say that you are

112 equally concerned with both; 92 more concerned with religion; 103 more concerned with politics?

25. With what political party are you affiliated, either in spirit or in actual membership?

89 Republican; 93 Democratic; 118 None; 8 Other.

26. Since you entered Harvard, have your political views changed:


30 from liberal to more conservative; 77 from conservative to more liberal; 39 from liberal to more liberal; 19 from conservative to more conservative; 138 not at all.

27. If your views have changed, what factors have influenced you (check two or three most important)?

83 lectures and/or assigned reading in courses; 34 influence of friends; 5 personal contact with faculty members; 21 increased independent reading; 4 independence from parental ideas; 24 increased thinking about political questions; 1 Other.

31. Do you think the concept of the national state has become so dangerously anachronistic that the U.S. should take the risks involved in surrendering some of her sovereignty, in a serious attempt at achieving a strong international federation or world government?

36 yes; 136 no; 30 indifferent.

32. IF the United States should find itself in such a position that all other alternatives were closed, save a world war with the Soviet Union OR surrender to the Soviet Union, would you favor

215 war; 82 surrender?

34. Do you think a film should ever not be shown at a commercial theatre or over television if certain religious or ethnic groups formally object to it?

217 no film should ever be suppressed under any of these circumstances; 87 under certain but not all of the above circumstances; 1 whenever a substantial religious or racial group does not want a film shown, it should not be shown.

36. I do not believe a member of the Communist Party should be permitted to hold any teaching position in any American college or university:

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