
'58 Permanent Class Committee Candidates

Biographies of Candidates

EDWARD B. DUNN, Adams; Freshman Union Committee; Student Council; House Committee, Chairman '57-'58; Interhouse Debate Council; Student Council Committee on Alumni Relations.

PETER B. EDELMAN, Winthrop; Crimson Key Society, President; Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra; PBH, Drives Committee; Junior usher.

JOHN H. FINLEY, Eliot; House Committee, Chairman, '57-'58; House Drama; Varsity Club; Hasty Pudding; Junior usher; J. V. crew; House hockey, soccer, swimming.

RICHARD H. HAHN, Adams; PBH; Navy ROTC; House Committee; House Christmas Party; HYDC.

HENRY HAMMOND, Leverett; PBH; House Committee; Varsity Crew; Doozipoors.


GEORGE A. HASIOTIS, Adams; Freshman, J.V. football; Intramural sports; Hellenic Society; Jubilee Committee; House Committee; HYDC; Pre-Legal Society.

C. STEPHEN HEARD, JR., Leverett; Football; Baseball; House Athletics; Hasty Pudding; Air Force ROTC.

WARREN ILIFF, Dunster; Golf, Captain; Varsity Club; Undergraduate Athletic Council; World Federalists; Dunster Drama Workshop; Hasty Pudding; Taffrail Club; S.A.E.

LARRY R. JOHNSON, Kirkland; Freshman Smoker, M.C.; Union Committee; Student Council, President; Extra-curricular Activities Committee, Chairman; Junior Usher.

DALE W. JUNTA, Adams; House Committee; Glee Club; Varsity Tennis, captain; Undergraduate Athletic Council, President; Varsity Club; Hasty Pudding.

SAMUEL H. KIM, Winthrop; DeMolay; University Band; PBH; Intramural Sports.

JAMES L. KINCAID, Winthrop; Freshman Intramural Athletics; Union Debate Council; Bridge Club; Delta Sigma Rho; University Debate Council President; Ivy League Debate Council.

THEODORE LAPPAS, JR., Lowell; PBH; Freshman Glee Club; House Committee; House Athletics; House Opera; Drumbeats and Song.

STUART L. LEVINE, Winthrop; Undergraduate Schools Committee; Varsity Baseball; Student Council; PBH; N.C. Club, President.

MARVIN LEWIS, Kirkland; Freshman, Varsity football; Junior usher, House Dance Committee; Varsity Club; House Athletics.
