
'58 Permanent Class Committee Candidates

Biographies of Candidates

JACK D. BAGDADE, Winthrop, Jubilee Committee, Freshman basketball, House Committee, Junior Varsity Basketball, Junior usher, Chairman House Committee.

JOHN C. BATES, JR., Lowell, Chairman House Committee, Lampoon, Hasty Pudding, junior usher for Commencement.

REED BEMENT, Leverett, freshman crew, house football, soccer, squash.

PETER A. A. BERLE, Adams; freshman, J.V., house football; freshman, varsity ski team; ski club, Cadet Commander of Air Force ROTC.

MEROM BRACHMAN, Lowell; Chairman, Class of '58 Union Committee; Student Council Representative 1955, '56, '57; Vice President, Secretary, Student Council; Junior usher.


PRESTON BROWN, Eliot; freshman baseball manager; PBH tutoring; Hasty Pudding; HDC; Eliot Drama Group; Pre-Law Society; House soccer.

DAVID BUSSE, Kirkland; Freshman Union Committee; House Committee; Intramural Athletics.

JOHN F. CARR, Winthrop; Associate Manager, football; Junior usher; HYDC; Varsity Club; Pi Eta; Hasty Pudding.

WAYNE F. CASKEY, JR., Winthrop; Wesley Foundation, Cambridge; University Band, Section Leader; Student Council, Tutorial Committee; Drumbeats and Song, 1956.

FORRESTER A. CLARK, JR., Lowell; Freshman, J.V., Varsity Football; Hockey; Hasty Pudding, President, '57-'58; Varsity Club; House Crew; Caisson Club.

ROBERT B. CLEARY, Winthrop; Varsity Hockey, captain; Varsity Baseball, captain; Undergraduate Athletic Council; Pi Eta; Hasty Pudding; Varsity Club; Bat Club.

THOMAS C. COCHRAN, JR., Winthrop; Freshman, Varsity swimming; P.B.H.; Varsity Club; Pi Eta; Hasty Pudding; Pre-Medical Society; Bat Club.

DAVID L. COLLINS, Winthrop; Freshman baseball; Glee Club; Crimson Key Society; Hasty Pudding; House football, hockey, baseball, golf, touch football.

JOHN T. COPELAND, Winthrop; Freshman, Varsity football; Freshman, Varsity hockey; Varsity Club; Pi Eta; Hasty Pudding; HYRC.

RICHARD B. DOBROW, Leverett; Eisenhower Club, President; Freshman Glee Club; House Glee Club; PBH; House Dance Committee.

EDWARD B. DUNN, Adams; Freshman Union Committee; Student Council; House Committee, Chairman '57-'58; Interhouse Debate Council; Student Council Committee on Alumni Relations.

PETER B. EDELMAN, Winthrop; Crimson Key Society, President; Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra; PBH, Drives Committee; Junior usher.

JOHN H. FINLEY, Eliot; House Committee, Chairman, '57-'58; House Drama; Varsity Club; Hasty Pudding; Junior usher; J. V. crew; House hockey, soccer, swimming.

RICHARD H. HAHN, Adams; PBH; Navy ROTC; House Committee; House Christmas Party; HYDC.

HENRY HAMMOND, Leverett; PBH; House Committee; Varsity Crew; Doozipoors.

GEORGE A. HASIOTIS, Adams; Freshman, J.V. football; Intramural sports; Hellenic Society; Jubilee Committee; House Committee; HYDC; Pre-Legal Society.

C. STEPHEN HEARD, JR., Leverett; Football; Baseball; House Athletics; Hasty Pudding; Air Force ROTC.

WARREN ILIFF, Dunster; Golf, Captain; Varsity Club; Undergraduate Athletic Council; World Federalists; Dunster Drama Workshop; Hasty Pudding; Taffrail Club; S.A.E.

LARRY R. JOHNSON, Kirkland; Freshman Smoker, M.C.; Union Committee; Student Council, President; Extra-curricular Activities Committee, Chairman; Junior Usher.

DALE W. JUNTA, Adams; House Committee; Glee Club; Varsity Tennis, captain; Undergraduate Athletic Council, President; Varsity Club; Hasty Pudding.

SAMUEL H. KIM, Winthrop; DeMolay; University Band; PBH; Intramural Sports.

JAMES L. KINCAID, Winthrop; Freshman Intramural Athletics; Union Debate Council; Bridge Club; Delta Sigma Rho; University Debate Council President; Ivy League Debate Council.

THEODORE LAPPAS, JR., Lowell; PBH; Freshman Glee Club; House Committee; House Athletics; House Opera; Drumbeats and Song.

STUART L. LEVINE, Winthrop; Undergraduate Schools Committee; Varsity Baseball; Student Council; PBH; N.C. Club, President.

MARVIN LEWIS, Kirkland; Freshman, Varsity football; Junior usher, House Dance Committee; Varsity Club; House Athletics.

JAMES H. MANAHAN, Lowell; Catholic Club, President; Glee Club; PBH; Jubilee Committee Harvard Times-Republican, editor; House Opera.

ROBERT P. McVEY, Leverett; Varsity hockey, House Golf.

JOHN MENDELSOHN, Dunster; House Committee; United Nations Council; PBH; House Tennis.

THEODORE MOSKOWITZ, Lowell; Union Committee; Freshman Intramural Sports, Chairman; Student Council; Combined Charities, Chairman.

ROBERT S. NOVEMBER, Kirkland; United Nations Council; HYDC; PBH; House Committee; Crimson.

ROBERT H. NEUMAN, Lowell; Crimson; Pre-Law Society; United Nations Council; House Forum Committee.

HAROLD P. PETERSON, Kirkland; HYDC; House Council of Young Democrats, Medical Department; HAA; PBH.

STEVEN R. RIVKIN, Lowell; Crimson; Debate Council; Delta Sigma Rho; HYDC; Society for Minority Rights; Hillel.

ERIC ROTHSCHILD, Lowell; House Committee; House Athletic Secretary.

FRANK R. SAIA, Dudley; Baseball; House Committee; Varsity Club; Catholic Club; Outing Club; House Athletics.

RICHARD SALLICK, Eliot House Committee; House Social Affairs Committee; Eliot Drama Group; Hasty Pudding; PBH; Student Council Elections Committee.

HENRY MARSHAL SCHWARZ, Lowell; Freshman Glee Club; Freshman Baseball; Soccer; Hasty Pudding; Junior Usher.

JAMES W. SHUE, Dunster; Soccer; Baseball; Undergraduate Athletic Council; PBH; Junior Usher; Hasty Pudding.

DANIEL E. SINGER, Lowell; House Committee; PBH; House Athletics; Freshman Soccer.

CARL S. SLOANE, Dunster; Student Council, Vice-president; Smoker Committee; PBH; Opera Guild; Dunster Music and Drama Society; House Athletics.

WALTER J. STAHURA, Winthrop; Football; Baseball; Varsity Club; ROTC; Pi Eta Club; Owl Club; Caisson Club.

ROBERT D. STOREY, Leverett; Freshman Track; Smoker Committee; House Athletics; House Committee; House Assistant Athletic Secretary.

JIM TULENKO, Winthrop; House Committee; Engineering Society; Caisson Club; Lacrosse Team; Hasty Pudding; Pi Eta Club.

DAVID H. WALLACE, Eliot; House Committee, treasurer; PBH; Sculling, Boxing, Rugby.

H. DUANE WADSWORTH, Dunster; WHRB; PBH; House Election Committee, Chairman; Hasty Pudding; HYRC; House Drama Workshop; House Music-Drama Society; Social Relations Society.

RICHARD H. WELLER, Adams; Freshman track; House Committee; House Social Affairs Committee; Catholic Club; Regular NROTC.

GRIFFITH J. WINTHROP, Winthrop; Union Committee, Chairman; Freshman, Varsity swimming; PBH; Hasty Pudding; Pi Eta; Undergraduate Athletic Council; Junior usher; Varsity Club; HYRC.

ALBERT YELLIN, Dudley; Freshman Crew; Pre-Medical Society; HYRC; Junior usher; House Committee; Elections Committee; House Sports.
